• I see this not as a SQL Server or Oracle problem, but as a human one. I am looking for evidence that supports that an approach to capitalization can make for more readable code and therefore make humans more productive in an environment that favors a particular approach over another. Something not based on opinion or preference and certainly not what a software company decided to implement. For instance there are areas of linguistics dedicated to how a languages can shape thought based solely on how the language is constructed. The written word is studied extensively, but I am not finding much in the way of research done on source code and how the format of it can impact productivity. Why aren't books printed in all caps? Can source code be compare to books? I have seen claims that the human brain can more easily consume words in all caps when those words are meant to be interpreted as symbols, and that claim inferred that keywords in a programming language could qualify as symbols making all caps the best way to go. I have also seen it stated that words in all lowercase are more easily read and digested by the human brain given that words in all caps tend to disrupt the eye and thought process rather than to allow the brain to read and understand the words naturally as it would any other printed text...see where I am going with this? Just looking for someone that knows of some science that has been applied to this topic.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.