• I often hear people talking about how they "relieve" stress and I find this very curious because it presumes that stress is something that is required. Its not. People then often retort that if you don't have stress, you are not taking your job seriously. That's also wrong and not at all true.

    In the 90's I had a personal event/crisis during which I almost lost my life. Its an amazing and wonderful thing to come that close to death. I know that sounds weird, but if you go to that edge, nothing else in life is ever the same again. The mundane things that I once took for granted are now wonderful things. The so called "stresses" of work seem silly because well, in the end, it just doesn't matter. I do an important job, but if our company vanished tomorrow, the world would not end, and if we get really big and successful - same thing - we are not saving lives, we're just (frankly) doing digital ditties that help other people do their job. But its not going to cure cancer, bring peace to the world, or feed the hungry.

    I have come to learn that stress is "home grown". We build it ourselves and then let ourselves feed it, and for some it becomes overwhelming - but ultimately, the problem is "us". You CAN take your job very seriously, and you CAN do that without stress. Indeed, just ask yourself, if you were gone tomorrow, would it really be the end of the entire world? No. Not likely.

    Some say that for every stressful moment we spend, we cut one moment off of our lives. Through my own personal experience, I am not willing to give up any of those moments.

    So the next time you feel stress I suggest you do what I have learned to do. Ask yourself, is this thing that is causing me stress going to matter in one hour, one day, one week, one year? And are you willing to shave away moments of your life for the sake of someone else's business. When I went to that 'edge' and came back, I realized - NO - I am not willing. No one should be. Life is your family, your friends, those you love and you should never feel any shame about not 'bleeding' for your job. Do good work. Work hard. Find success - but remember - true success is NOT in your job, or money. It's in how you play your part in the lives of those you love, and those you affect as a person.

    There's no such thing as dumb questions, only poorly thought-out answers...