• Grant Fritchey (6/24/2009)

    Well as a database developer I don't know and I don't need to know what the logins are, at least in the environment I work for. I create roles and grant permissions to them, and that's it, and that ends at the database level. Having to create a server project that I don't need seems to be a waste of time.

    Having an unnecessary project sit in my solution is an even bigger waste of time, as it clutters my screen, slows down my searches, check ins, check outs etc.

    Am I missing something?

    I think so. If the only deployment you care about is on a single machine, yeah, you sure don't need this hassle. But when you have to deploy this to Dev, QA, CI, Financtial Testing, Training, Performance Testing, Staging and Production, the other QA enviroment because we're working of a branched version of the code right now, the sandbox server, etc., ... You might want a mechanism for maintaining which set of security is in use in which environment and a way to store that information with the project.

    I want the opposite - I want security on test boxes to closely match production security, and I want no hassle at all. That's what I use roles for. Also I absolutely do not want to give write access to my solution to the people who actually grant roles to groups.