• Just because we can script it doesn't mean we should. It is very similar to those who use utilities to make changes vs scripting it. Some argue you aren't good at your job if you can't script it. I say, if someone gives me a more efficient way to do something i will.

    One issue i saw recently with scripting is a customer of ours that has a team of their own dba's said they would take care of setting up their backups because she has a script that will cycle through and create the backup files the way she likes them. Problem with that is her script is complex and way overkill for something as simple as a nightly full backup where a maintenance plan or a simple backup step and verify step.

    I try to choose the best path possible and i know i get stuck in my favorite ways as well. Scripting gives you control to the n'th degree but do you need it. There is a reason that we create functions and dll's for repeatable tasks. I see wizards and gui apps as no different here. Someone created a useful, repeatable engine to do the same task over and over.