• Technically the QUOTENAME() function should be considered for quoting schema and object names, such as

    EXEC ( '

    CREATE TABLE [#stupid[reallystupid]]tablename] (i int NOT NULL)

    SELECT * FROM [#stupid[reallystupid]]tablename]


    ' )

    I also prefer cursor variables in scripts because they go away by themselves - if the script halts without explicitly deallocating, you don't have to fuss to get it to run again. Also table variables. But my example here, a temporary table declared inside dynamic SQL which runs as a separate batch, is a lazy way to get the same benefit - table goes away when execution halts for any reason.

    It also isn't an example to do with statistics, just a demonstration that objects can be given stupid names. This can happen if you have perversely motivated co-workers. The guy who mounts our server hardware likes to demonstrate his multilingual and multidisciplinary skill (exotic minerals? mythological characters in light opera? minor bodies of the outer solar system? some of which categories overlap, but thank god we closed our office in India), and our major databases, hundreds per server, all begin with a digit 0-9. We wear out more [ ] keys...