• mathewspsimon (6/15/2009)

    sir,that was a dummy table for this cae.I dont know what is the reason,is it becuase there are 1000 rows?the output of the cursor shows as I mentioned as 121.1 instead of 121.08.And this is not happening for all only an few.Is there a way to prevent this?

    I just wrote that in my previous post. did u try that?

    -----------------------Try this if ur base table can accept decimal numbers in quantity col---

    DECLARE @val4 varchar(20),@val1 varchar(20),@val2 varchar(50), @val3 decimal(10,2), @Sql varchar(8000);

    set @val1='SQLSRV'

    set @val4=CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 101)

    Declare sample_cur cursor for

    SELECT Item_Code,Quantity

    FROM ReorderS

    OPEN sample_cur

    Fetch next from sample_cur into @val2, @val3

    While (@@fetch_status-1)


    SET @Sql='Begin XXOH_INV_INTERFACE_PKG.insert_trx(''' + @val4 + ''', ''' + @val1 + ''' , '''+@val2 + ''','+cast(@val3 as varchar)+'); End;'

    print @Sql

    Fetch next from sample_cur into @val2, @val3


    Close sample_cur

    Deallocate sample_cur

    Pradeep Singh