• Here is a simple script that allows you to avoid populating a table with servers. I'd suggest using reporting services to email results to your end users.


    ** This table holds the drive space data


    create table serverdrivespace


    name sysname

    , drive sysname

    , mbfree nvarchar(255)



    ** This script populates the serverdrivespace table


    truncate table serverdrivespace

    create table #servers


    name sysname not null

    , network_name sysname null

    , status nvarchar(255) not null

    , id int not null

    , collation_name sysname null

    , connect_timeout int not null

    , query_timeout int not null


    create table #drivespace


    drive sysname

    , mbfree nvarchar(255)


    declare server_cursor cursor for

    select name from #servers

    where status like '%rpc,%'

    begin try

    insert into #servers

    exec sp_helpserver

    declare @name sysname

    open server_cursor

    fetch next from server_cursor into @name

    declare @sql nvarchar(4000)

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    set @sql = 'exec [' + @name + '].master.dbo.xp_fixeddrives'

    print @sql

    truncate table #drivespace

    insert into #drivespace

    exec sp_executesql @sql

    insert into serverdrivespace

    select @name as servername, *

    from #drivespace

    fetch next from server_cursor into @name


    close server_cursor

    end try

    begin catch


    ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber

    ,ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity

    ,ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState

    ,ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure

    ,ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine

    ,ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage;

    end catch

    select * from serverdrivespace

    deallocate server_cursor

    drop table #drivespace

    drop table #servers

    An upgrade to this would be an SSIS package that uses WMI to get drive information from remote servers. You could monitor the entire network this way instead of limiting yourself to just SQL Servers.