• whug (6/9/2009)

    Would you be willing to share your SSIS template?

    There's nothing special in my template, and you would have to rewrite most of it to suit your environment anyway. The important point is that you want to use a template instead of configuring blank packages from scratch. First figure out how you want to do configuration, logging, and error handling, then create a package with these settings and save it for reuse. The other important point is that they aren't truly templates, at least not in the sense of Office document templates. Word or Excel templates cause a new document to be created, Integration Services simply copies the template file and leaves it up to you to change the Name and ID properties.

    Microsoft has some info on package templates (not nearly as elaborate as the template functionality of other Visual Studio languages)



    Jamie Thomson has a blog entry with a downloadable template package, the next link has an interesting error handling template.

