• Sorry I have not gotten back to this. Had another fire to put out.

    How would DTS work compared to doing a BulkCopy in code? What would need to be included in this DTS as, right now, the databases are built dynamically based on machine component usage for particular job setup?

    Here is the code for BulkCopy

    Set ObjSvr = New SQLDMO.SQLServer


    Set mObjBC = New SQLDMO.BulkCopy

    With mObjBC

    .DataFileType = SQLDMODataFile_TabDelimitedChar

    If sPrinterType = "KVM4350" Then

    .DataFilePath = "C:\" & psFilePath


    .DataFilePath = psFilePath

    End If

    .UseBulkCopyOption = True

    .ImportRowsPerBatch = 10000

    End With

    mObjBC.SuspendIndexing = True

    mObjBC.UseBulkCopyOption = True

    frmMDIMain.sbStatusBar.Panels(1).Text = "Copying data into database..."

    oConn.Execute "sp_dboption tempdb, 'select into/bulkcopy'", True

    ObjSvr.Databases("tempdb").Tables("DATA_TABLE").ImportData mObjBC

    oConn.Execute "sp_dboption tempdb, 'select into/bulkcopy'", False

    frmMDIMain.sbStatusBar.Panels(1).Text = "Data complete!"