• Jeff Moden (5/24/2009)

    ta.bu.shi.da.yu (5/24/2009)

    Absolutely! I'm just saying that I think that open source projects are more influencable or are quicker to implement changes than closed source companies. My $0.02.

    You and I both agree on that. The thing we may not agree upon is that I don't believe the ability to make very quick changes is always an advantage. Having the ability to quickly change something is great especially when it comes to quickly repairing a mistake. I'll also suggest that having the ability to chickly change something will likely make you more prone to mistakes unless you have a stong regimen to prevent mistakes. That creates a bit of a paradox in my mind. That paradox is embodied by the old saw of "Why is there never enough time to do it right the first time but there's always time to do it over?" 🙂

    Actually, I do agree with you. I work for a commercial, closed source software house that was recently purchased by EMC. I see a great deal of pluses and minuses to both approaches to development, and I certainly never believe that quick and ill-thought out changes are a good thing! Believe me, I've seen what happens when changes aren't thought through and implemented quickly. It ain't pretty...


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