• My understanding is that bitwise operations do not utilize indexes which limits their effectiveness.

    Run the following code and the bitwise operation requires many more reads than the = operation (yes I do realise that they are not doing the same thing).

    create table #t (id int identity, flags int default 0)

    set statistics io off

    set nocount on

    declare @i int = 0

    while @i < 1000000 begin

    insert into #t (flags) select @i % 4096

    set @i += 1

    if @i % 100000 = 0 begin

    raiserror ('Inserted %d', 16, 1, @i) with nowait



    set statistics io on

    --2,000 reads

    select count(*) from #t where flags = 1024

    --2,000 reads

    select count(*) from #t where flags & 1024 = 1024

    --create an index

    create index i_t on #t (flags)

    --4 reads

    select count(*) from #t where flags = 1024

    --2,000 reads

    select count(*) from #t where flags & 1024 = 1024

    drop table #t