• Mitch Miller (5/21/2009)

    LP (5/21/2009)

    Let me explain how we using this methodology without violation of basic principles. We using it for metadata lookup tables and each table has a primary key. There is enumeration column in each table one to one to primary key. So, when application is picking up multiple rows it get combined value and translate it on the front end. But in database all relationships are done through the primary keys.

    That doesn't seem to address the "basic principle" of not storing multiple attributes/values in a single column. That, too, is part of normalization.

    Besides the comments that have been posted already about why bitmasking is not *generally* a good idea, I've not seen anyone mention how database engines can leverage multiple indexes with multiple criteria to quickly find a resulting rowset.

    Storing multiple values into a single column will ALWAYS require a row scan to find rows that match the criteria. ALWAYS! (Although it was mentioned earlier that one might limit the domain with additional criteria such as Zip Code, which could allow at least a partial indexed search.)

    Additionally, bitmasking is limited to the size of the object being used to store the actual value. In the examples the author gave, I believe 64 bits is the limit, and that's a hard limit. If you go beyond that, you need more columns and now your code has to know which data is stored where *and* how to access it.

    In short, I think what I'm really tryin' to say is that bitmasking is okay in some situations, but it's not really a scalable solution (either in values stored, nor data rows), eliminates the server's ability to make statistics and use those to resolve queries, can't be indexed (or at least offers no value of being indexed) and finally, requires loads more documentation than just a single column.

    -- Mitch

    create table test (code char(2) primary key, descr varchar(100), enumvalue bigint)

    insert into test (code,descr,enumvalue)

    values ('c1', 'code 1', 1)

    insert into test (code,descr,enumvalue)

    values ('c2', 'code 2', 2)

    insert into test (code,descr,enumvalue)

    values ('c3', 'code 3', 4)

    Now, when you select you get result as one value. If value is 5 then you select code 1 and 4.

    How it is violate the design if combination is used only in stored procedure and translation on front end.

    Database perfectly storing 1 row and link one row to another table. I am not discussing why we need it.