Home Forums SQL Server 2005 T-SQL (SS2K5) Multiple parents tree (or digraph) implementation RE: Multiple parents tree (or digraph) implementation

  • This may help some. I am using an OR in the anchor to use multiple anchors. You still would need to know what the anchors are somehow before running the query.

    create table #ObjectRelations


    Id varchar(20),

    NextId varchar(20)


    insert into #ObjectRelations values ('G', 'B')

    insert into #ObjectRelations values ('A', 'B')

    insert into #ObjectRelations values ('B', 'C')

    insert into #ObjectRelations values ('B', 'X')

    insert into #ObjectRelations values ('C', 'E')

    insert into #ObjectRelations values ('C', 'D')

    insert into #ObjectRelations values ('E', 'F')

    insert into #ObjectRelations values ('D', 'F')


    WITH Objects (Id, NextId) AS

    ( -- This is the 'Anchor' or starting point of the recursive query

    SELECT rel.Id,


    FROM #ObjectRelations rel

    WHERE rel.Id = 'A' OR rel.Id = 'G'

    UNION ALL -- This is the recursive portion of the query

    SELECT rel.Id,


    FROM #ObjectRelations rel

    INNER JOIN Objects -- Note the reference to CTE table name (Recursive Join)

    ON rel.Id = Objects.NextId


    SELECT distinct o.*

    FROM Objects o

    drop table #ObjectRelations
