Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 In The Enterprise SQL Server Cluster, how to add local server account to virtual server? RE: SQL Server Cluster, how to add local server account to virtual server?

  • Thank you very much for your reply, and I certainly share your concern about what would happen when one node fails over to the other. I probably should have done a better job explaining the situation. Before clustering the server, the single SQL server node was communicating with a web server on a specific application which by design required the use of a local user account on the SQL server, which I will check into as I also believe it should be changed ... After I installed the cluster, I added that local user account to both nodes ... hoping that the virtual SQL Server would let me add that local account as a user ... which now that I think about does not make much sense 🙂 one is because although the 2 users accounts are identical on both servers they user different sids of course and two, from what I read so far, in clustering, only domain accounts should be used ... I would appreciate any other suggestions.

