• Samuel Vella (4/27/2009)

    jwheeler (4/27/2009)

    The fact you even have to tell so called developers this stuff is frightening.

    Not really and it's something I've seen a few times...

    When someone has a background in VB or C and has been dumped into SQL development then they might be able to write code but they lack the set based thinking which a good DB developer needs (they might not even be aware of being able to return sets depending on how much exposure they're had to databases in their previous life).

    Usually a helping hand with their first few pieces of work will get them thinking the right way from the outset.

    I know from experience when dabbling in ASP .NET that something which I've spent hours and several tens of lines of code trying to get to work can be ripped apart and rewritten as a very simple class by someone who knows what they're doing

    Then surely the manager hasn't done their job by employing the wrong tool for the task?

    If you have database development to be done you either employ a db dev or a C# / VB developer who is also a SQL dev. You don't buy a hammer to put a screw in the wall, surely?