• You know, I'm thinking to myself - "Self, big business like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, IBM, et. al. offer a service of some kind in the Cloud. They very much want us to use the Cloud. But do you think they run any LOB apps in the Cloud? You know, like accounting, sales, CRM, and payroll. Do you think they run a data warehouse in the Cloud? Do you think they keep any of their intellectual property in the Cloud? You know, like would Microsoft have a global version of TFS will ALL of their source sitting out there in the Cloud? Do you think Steve Ballmer keeps a copy of Microsoft's business strategy on Skydrive??" Self is doubtful. At least not in the public Cloud - which is where 99% of us will be stuck in the real world. Like anyone without a billion bucks will have their own Cloud.

    I will happliy use Google Maps and Skydrive and Facebook and all the other inane Cloud applications. But I'm thinking until the 800lb industry gorillas start eating (and gagging) on their own Cloud "dog food", I will be perfectly content to keep all the really important stuff in my protected silo, far away from the Cloud.

    James Stover, McDBA