• AndyD (4/10/2009)

    Like being pregnant or dead, either you are, or you aren't.

    have you heard of Schrödinger's cat??? 😛

    I have, but it was 20 years ago. My progression through physics only took me through 1-4, Modern, and a few that bordered on engineering (Statics, Dynamics, Modeling of Linear and Dynamic Systems, etc)

    With regard to quantum mechanics, I tend to think along the same lines as Einstein. The quantum guys say there is no way to predict the flip of a coin. Einstein would argue there is. IFF you knew all of the forces and assumptions, you could predict the result. I interpret that as saying, we simply don't have enough information, yet.

    It's a similar discussion as the multiple universe, infinitive universe argument.

    Honor Super Omnia-
    Jason Miller