• Just thought that I would add to the discussion...I am no DBA....but forced to work in this area....so...pardon any bad code. I'm starting to write a stored procedure that will generate a US calendar based on the parameters specified...here it is so far...I have only done a brief validation of it...

    It's something to look at and if you have a better way to do it, that would be great...

    use ReportingDB

    truncate table dimcalendarrevenue

    declare @startdate date

    declare @enddate date

    declare @firstdayofmonth int

    declare @firstdayofweek int

    declare @tablename nvarchar(100)

    declare @quartername nvarchar(100)

    if @startdate < '01/01/1971'


    set @startdate = '01/01/1971'


    else set @startdate = '01/01/2000'

    set @enddate = '12/31/2020'

    set @firstdayofmonth = 19

    set @firstdayofweek = 5 --week day numbers are (1 = monday, 2 = tuesday, 3 = wednesday, 4 = thursday, 5 = friday, 6 = saturday, 7 = sunday)

    set datefirst @firstdayofweek

    set @tablename = 'dimcalendarrevenue'

    set @quartername = 'Q'

    while @startdate <= @enddate


    insert into DimCalendarRevenue


    -- regular calendar --


    select convert(int,(right(replicate('0',4) + convert(nvarchar(4),datepart(yyyy,@startdate)),4) +

    right(replicate('0',2) + convert(nvarchar(2),datepart(mm,@startdate)),2) +

    right(replicate('0',2) + convert(nvarchar(2),datepart(dd,@startdate)),2))) as datekey,

    @startdate as [calendardate],

    year(@startdate) as [calendaryear],

    datepart(dy,@startdate) as [calendardayofyear],

    month(@startdate) as [calendarmonth],

    day(@startdate) as [calendardayofmonth],

    datepart(wk,@startdate) as [calendarweekofyear],

    datename(weekday,@startdate) as [calendarweekdayname],

    datepart(dw,@startdate) as [calendarweekdaynumber],

    datename(mm,@startdate) as [calendarmonthname],


    when month(@startdate) in (1,2,3)

    then '1'

    when month(@startdate) in (4,5,6)

    then '2'

    when month(@startdate) in (7,8,9)

    then '3'

    when month(@startdate) in (10,11,12)

    then '4'

    end as [calendarquarter],

    @quartername + CONVERT(nvarchar(1), case

    when month(@startdate) in (1,2,3)

    then '1'

    when month(@startdate) in (4,5,6)

    then '2'

    when month(@startdate) in (7,8,9)

    then '3'

    when month(@startdate) in (10,11,12)

    then '4'

    end) as [calendarquartername],


    -- adjusted calendar --



    when datepart(mm,@startdate) = 1

    and @firstdayofmonth <> 1

    then case

    when datepart(dd,@startdate) < @firstdayofmonth

    then year(dateadd(yy,-1,@startdate))

    else year(@startdate)


    else year(@startdate)

    end as [adjustedyear],

    datepart(dy,dateadd(dd,-@firstdayofmonth + 1,@startdate)) as [adjusteddayofyear],


    when @firstdayofmonth <> 1

    then case

    when datepart(dd,@startdate) < @firstdayofmonth

    then month(dateadd(mm,-1,@startdate))

    else month(@startdate)


    else month(@startdate)

    end as [adjustedmonth],


    when (day(@startdate) < @firstdayofmonth)

    and @firstdayofmonth <> 1

    then datediff(dd,dateadd(mm,-1,dateadd(dd,@firstdayofmonth-day(@startdate),@startdate)),@startdate) + 1

    when (day(@startdate) > @firstdayofmonth)

    and @firstdayofmonth <> 1

    then day(@startdate) - @firstdayofmonth + 1

    when day(@startdate) = @firstdayofmonth

    then 1

    else day(@startdate)

    end as [adjusteddayofmonth],


    when datepart(wk,@startdate) = 53

    then 1

    else datepart(wk,@startdate)

    end as [adjusted52weeks],

    ceiling(cast(datepart(dy,dateadd(dd,-@firstdayofmonth + 1,@startdate)) as float)/7) as [adjustedweekofyear],

    datename(weekday,@startdate) as [adjustedweekdayname],

    datename(mm,dateadd(dd,-@firstdayofmonth+1,@startdate)) as [adjustedmonthname],


    when (case

    when @firstdayofmonth <> 1

    then case

    when datepart(dd,@startdate) < @firstdayofmonth

    then month(dateadd(mm,-1,@startdate))

    else month(@startdate)


    else month(@startdate)

    end) in (1,2,3)

    then 1

    when (case

    when @firstdayofmonth <> 1

    then case

    when datepart(dd,@startdate) < @firstdayofmonth

    then month(dateadd(mm,-1,@startdate))

    else month(@startdate)


    else month(@startdate)

    end) in (4,5,6)

    then 2

    when (case

    when @firstdayofmonth <> 1

    then case

    when datepart(dd,@startdate) < @firstdayofmonth

    then month(dateadd(mm,-1,@startdate))

    else month(@startdate)


    else month(@startdate)

    end) in (7,8,9)

    then 3

    when (case

    when @firstdayofmonth <> 1

    then case

    when datepart(dd,@startdate) < @firstdayofmonth

    then month(dateadd(mm,-1,@startdate))

    else month(@startdate)


    else month(@startdate)

    end) in (10,11,12)

    then 4

    end as [adjustedquarter],

    @quartername + CONVERT(nvarchar(1),case

    when (case

    when @firstdayofmonth <> 1

    then case

    when datepart(dd,@startdate) < @firstdayofmonth

    then month(dateadd(mm,-1,@startdate))

    else month(@startdate)


    else month(@startdate)

    end) in (1,2,3)

    then 1

    when (case

    when @firstdayofmonth <> 1

    then case

    when datepart(dd,@startdate) < @firstdayofmonth

    then month(dateadd(mm,-1,@startdate))

    else month(@startdate)


    else month(@startdate)

    end) in (4,5,6)

    then 2

    when (case

    when @firstdayofmonth <> 1

    then case

    when datepart(dd,@startdate) < @firstdayofmonth

    then month(dateadd(mm,-1,@startdate))

    else month(@startdate)


    else month(@startdate)

    end) in (7,8,9)

    then 3

    when (case

    when @firstdayofmonth <> 1

    then case

    when datepart(dd,@startdate) < @firstdayofmonth

    then month(dateadd(mm,-1,@startdate))

    else month(@startdate)


    else month(@startdate)

    end) in (10,11,12)

    then 4

    end) as [adjustedquartername],


    -- date facts --



    when datename(weekday,@startdate) = 'sunday' or datename(weekday,@startdate) = 'saturday'

    then 'weekend'

    else 'weekday'

    end as [weekdaytype],

    0 as [holidayflag],

    '' as [holidaytype],

    '' as [holidayname]

    set @startdate = dateadd(dd,1,@startdate)



    -- Update Adjusted Weeks For Reporting --


    update DimCalendarRevenue

    set AdjustedWeekOfYear = case

    when DateKey >= (select drc2.DateKey

    from DimCalendarRevenue drc2

    where drc2.AdjustedWeekOfYear = drc.AdjustedWeekOfYear

    and drc2.AdjustedYear = drc.AdjustedYear

    and drc2.calendarweekdaynumber = 1)

    then AdjustedWeekOfYear + 1

    else adjustedweekofyear


    from DimCalendarRevenue drc

    update DimCalendarRevenue

    set AdjustedWeekOfYear = case

    when drc.AdjustedWeekOfYear = 53

    then 1

    else drc.adjustedweekofyear


    from DimCalendarRevenue drc


    -- Update Holidays --


    -- New Year's Day

    update DimCalendarRevenue

    set HolidayFlag = 1,

    HolidayType = 'US Federal Holiday',

    HolidayName = 'New Year''s Day'

    where CalendarMonth = 1

    and CalendarDayOfMonth = 1

    -- Independence Day

    update DimCalendarRevenue

    set HolidayFlag = 1,

    HolidayType = 'US Federal Holiday',

    HolidayName = 'Independence Day'

    where CalendarMonth = 7

    and CalendarDayOfMonth = 4

    -- Veteran's Day

    update DimCalendarRevenue

    set HolidayFlag = 1,

    HolidayType = 'US Federal Holiday',

    HolidayName = 'Veteran''s Day'

    where CalendarMonth = 11

    and CalendarDayOfMonth = 11

    -- Christmas Day

    update DimCalendarRevenue

    set HolidayFlag = 1,

    HolidayType = 'US Federal Holiday',

    HolidayName = 'Christmas Day'

    where CalendarMonth = 12

    and CalendarDayOfMonth = 25

    -- Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.

    update DimCalendarRevenue

    set HolidayFlag = 1,

    HolidayType = 'US Federal Holiday',

    HolidayName = 'Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. (Martin Luther King Day)'

    from DimCalendarRevenue drc

    where drc.CalendarMonth = 1

    and drc.CalendarDayOfMonth = (select top 1 td.calendardayofmonth

    from (select top 3 drc2.calendardayofmonth

    from DimCalendarRevenue drc2

    where drc2.CalendarYear = drc.CalendarYear

    and drc2.CalendarMonth = 1

    and drc2.CalendarWeekDayName = 'Monday'

    order by drc2.CalendarDayOfMonth asc) td

    order by td.calendardayofmonth desc)

    -- Washington's Birthday

    update DimCalendarRevenue

    set HolidayFlag = 1,

    HolidayType = 'US Federal Holiday',

    HolidayName = 'Washington''s Birthday (Presidents'' Day)'

    from DimCalendarRevenue drc

    where drc.CalendarMonth = 2

    and drc.CalendarDayOfMonth = (select top 1 td.calendardayofmonth

    from (select top 3 drc2.calendardayofmonth

    from DimCalendarRevenue drc2

    where drc2.CalendarYear = drc.CalendarYear

    and drc2.CalendarMonth = 2

    and drc2.CalendarWeekDayName = 'Monday'

    order by drc2.CalendarDayOfMonth asc) td

    order by td.calendardayofmonth desc)

    -- Memorial Day

    update DimCalendarRevenue

    set HolidayFlag = 1,

    HolidayType = 'US Federal Holiday',

    HolidayName = 'Memorial Day'

    from DimCalendarRevenue drc

    where drc.CalendarMonth = 5

    and drc.CalendarDayOfMonth = (select top 1 drc2.calendardayofmonth

    from DimCalendarRevenue drc2

    where drc2.CalendarYear = drc.CalendarYear

    and drc2.CalendarMonth = 5

    and drc2.CalendarWeekDayName = 'Monday'

    order by drc2.CalendarDayOfMonth desc)

    -- Labor Day

    update DimCalendarRevenue

    set HolidayFlag = 1,

    HolidayType = 'US Federal Holiday',

    HolidayName = 'Labor Day'

    from DimCalendarRevenue drc

    where drc.CalendarMonth = 9

    and drc.CalendarDayOfMonth = (select top 1 drc2.calendardayofmonth

    from DimCalendarRevenue drc2

    where drc2.CalendarYear = drc.CalendarYear

    and drc2.CalendarMonth = 9

    and drc2.CalendarWeekDayName = 'Monday'

    order by drc2.CalendarDayOfMonth asc)

    -- Columbus Day

    update DimCalendarRevenue

    set HolidayFlag = 1,

    HolidayType = 'US Federal Holiday',

    HolidayName = 'Columbus Day'

    from DimCalendarRevenue drc

    where drc.CalendarMonth = 10

    and drc.CalendarDayOfMonth = (select top 1 td.calendardayofmonth

    from (select top 2 drc2.calendardayofmonth

    from DimCalendarRevenue drc2

    where drc2.CalendarYear = drc.CalendarYear

    and drc2.CalendarMonth = 10

    and drc2.CalendarWeekDayName = 'Monday'

    order by drc2.CalendarDayOfMonth asc) td

    order by td.calendardayofmonth desc)

    -- Thanksgiving Day

    update DimCalendarRevenue

    set HolidayFlag = 1,

    HolidayType = 'US Federal Holiday',

    HolidayName = 'Thanksgiving Day'

    from DimCalendarRevenue drc

    where drc.CalendarMonth = 11

    and drc.CalendarDayOfMonth = (select top 1 td.calendardayofmonth

    from (select top 4 drc2.calendardayofmonth

    from DimCalendarRevenue drc2

    where drc2.CalendarYear = drc.CalendarYear

    and drc2.CalendarMonth = 11

    and drc2.CalendarWeekDayName = 'Thursday'

    order by drc2.CalendarDayOfMonth asc) td

    order by td.calendardayofmonth desc)