• Hugo Kornelis (4/6/2009)

    David B (4/6/2009)

    O' and unless Steve fixed it after the last post, it was a select list, not a multiple choice 🙂

    Are you sure? I just replied to the question, and had no trouble checking both the options I expected to be correct.

    It is of course not impossible that Steve fixed it between the time of your post and now, but not likely, considering that it's somewhere in the middle of the night in his part of the world. He usually fixes QotD issues when it's in the afternoon in my part of the world (Europe), about six hours from now....

    OOPS! Did not even consider you could tick more than one box . . . my mistake!

    So there go 2 lost bragging points . . . ;-(

    Thanks for the lesson, though!