• SanjayAttray (4/2/2009)

    CoetzeeW (4/2/2009)

    Great Article, Since most DBA's responsiblity is supporting\troubleshooting such a complex product like SQL server you have highlighted a good methodology and approach to problem solving, Thanks ! 😉

    Excellent article Mike.

    I like this part most though from above quote ..........supporting\troubleshooting such a complex product like SQL server.:laugh:

    😛 I am not sure if the sarcascm was frustration about troubleshooting SQL or the fact that SQL is less complex than other database management systems. SQL Server is less complex than some but shoddy troubleshooting happens all the time and often causes more problems than solutions (or accidental solutions that can't be recreated). In fact the simpler management interface and installation interface is what causes a lot of the woes with SQL Server.

    A lot of companies have the theory that since you can just click next, next, next, finish and it's installed you don't need a DBA staff. You don't need to follow best practices and it can't be that complex to fix, you can just fix it with a quick web search. Watch the forums here or the msdn forums and you'll see the results repeat time and time again.

    No it's not as complex as the human body either but the point is the same principles of problem solving and troubleshooting can be applied anywhere.


    Mike Walsh
    SQL Server DBA
    Blog - www.straightpathsql.com/blog |Twitter