• Kavi, such a query is simple, but you will still have to define the synonyms. You may be able to search the internet and find some sort of thesaurus file that you could download to populate a synonyms table in your database.

    How do you plan to use this?

    declare @synonyms table

    (rowID int identity (1,1), searchword varchar(20), synonymWord varchar(20)

    primary key (searchword,rowid)


    insert into @synonyms

    select 'check','try out' union all

    select 'check','test' union all

    select 'check','confirm' union all

    select 'check','ensure' union all

    select 'check','verify' union all

    select 'check','try' union all

    select 'check','prove'


    select synonymWord

    from @synonyms

    where searchword = 'check'


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills