• I think I had the same issue. I was able to remove all the file groups using the method i explained but one.

    Ty this query. Replace the FileGroup0 with your filegroup name.

    select distinct so.name

    from sys.objects so

    inner join sys.indexes si

    on so.object_ID = si.object_ID

    inner join sys.data_spaces ds

    on si.data_space_id = ds.data_space_id

    inner join sys.filegroups fg

    on ds.data_space_id = fg.data_space_id

    where fg.name in ('FileGroup0')

    In my case i came up with following results.




    Let me know if you face the same situation. I am still investigating a way to remove these objects which belongs to this file group even when there are no files present. I will let you know if I managet to remove them and the filegroup.