• Something like this. Keep in mind, I use this is SQL 2000 and it will need to be tweaked for 2005/2008. Modify the like clause to suit your needs.

    select u.name as TbOwner, o.name as TbName , x.name as IxName, xc.name as IxColName,

    xk.keyno as KeyOrder

    from sysobjects o

    inner join sysindexes x

    on o.id = x.id

    inner join sysindexkeys xk

    on x.id = xk.id

    and x.indid = xk.indid

    inner join syscolumns xc

    on o.id = xc.id

    and xk.colid = xc.colid

    inner join sysusers u

    on u.uid = o.uid

    where o.xtype = 'U'

    and keys is not null

    and x.name like 'aaaa%'

    order by o.name, x.name, xk.keyno

    -- You can't be late until you show up.