• Could someone give me a code example of this that does work. I tried:

    DECLARE @xml xml;

    DECLARE @expression nvarchar(128);

    SET @xml =


    <book price=''31'' name=''SQL Server Central'' Author=''Steve Jones''/>


    --SET @expression = '/books/book/@price[text()=31]';

    IF @xml.exist('/books/book/@price[text()=31]') =1





    FROM @xml.nodes('/books/book') AS T(T);

    and I get the error:

    XQuery [exist()]: Result of 'text()' expression is statically 'empty'

    So I replace the XPath expression with:


    and it works.

    I don't use Xml and XPath every day, but I understand most of the basic concepts. What should the Xml look like in order to use the original XPath expression? The '@price' means an attribute and 'text()' all the text within a node. To me, the XPath expression is invalid or just doesn't make sense.


    Did the author just do the same thing I did and forget to escape out the '<' with '& lt;' in the Xml string when writing and posting the question?


    I can't get an escaped ampersand followed by 'lt;', as in above to show up in these forums without manually putting that space between them.