• I agree with the points about totals. I used to work with a financial firm, and when we changed around data for test systems, it caused lots of headaches. We couldn't easily determine if calculations in the application were correct. I think in those cases, you need tight control of a development environment, and limited access for people, and probably auditing as well.

    For other data, we used to scramble SSNs with sequential numbers (111-11-1111, 111-11-1112, etc.) and that worked. CCs were moved to known "test" numbers. banks usually can give you valid numbers from a check standpoint, but not valid for purposes. Emails became email1@mycompany, etc. We'd set up accounts for testing to get limited emails out and in.

    It's a tough battle. Red Gate probably could add some functionality here. Not sure it's simple, but they could do it. I also heard about Data Masker (www.datamasker.com), which could help.