• I'll add my reasons in here why I approved this question. I think it's good, and I see the arguments why log shipping might be seen a easy.

    However, getting rights straightened, and ensuring that files actually copy across and get restored is, IMHO, more of an effort than mirroring. Mirroring works very similar, but by working with immediate restores.

    I agree that it might not fit and Log shipping may help you recover from user errors, but only if you have a decent delay between primary and secondary. If you restore every 15 minutes, which means you can come up pretty quickly if there's an issue, you also only have a limited time for someone to let you know a mistake was made.

    From an admin perspective, mirroring is easier, I think. Not that it's better or more suited to any particular environment, but that it's easier to get a copy of your production db.