• Tony, Great topic and your writing is superb!

    Everyone's responses are good too! Everyone seems to have a good point to add to the discussion.

    I believe that every company does their development slightly differently from each other. I don't believe that there is any one right or wrong way of doing things. I do believe that both programmers and DBAs should develop in parallel. The requirements of the project should be presented to both programmers and DBA at the same time and both parties should meet at least weekly to prioritize, design and test in conjunction with each other.

    Stored procedures (complied) are certainly the best way to transmit data to and from the database and application. However, let’s not forget how VIEWs can be used to help make life easier for developers and DBAs who write the stored procedures.

    Like all other human relationships, there’s both a give and take balance that needs to be maintained. The more DBA’s give to Developers, the more Developers are willing to adhere to standards. Communication is always a key factor. Constant communications and with developers and management go a long way toward success.

    May everyone have success in their development and developer relationships.