• 1. Heavily normalised data structure.

    2. Stored procedures implement the select, insert, update, delete statements on the database side and the ensilo'ed (!) business logic on the application side. Heresy, business logic on the database server, not the application server.

    3. Application implements the translation between the UI on the user side and business logic on the database side.


    DBA doesn't have to compromise the data structure for the analysts and programmers.

    Multiple silos sharing common aspects can have genuinely common data.

    Programmer doesn't have to compromise the business logic behind the UI for the DBA or the UI in front of the business logic for the analyst.

    Someone has to write seriously cool SP's.


    Analyst has to appreciate the heretical concept of separating UI from business logic from data storage model.

    Bigger database servers, smaller application servers.

    Someone has to write seriously cool SP's.


    If you didn't see it here first, you're a dinosaur.


    Peter Edmunds ex-Geek