Home Forums SQL Server 2005 Backups how to take script for database table data RE: how to take script for database table data

  • dastagirid

    i am assuming from your post that you want a script to generate an insert statement for each row in a table, is that correct? If so, take the following scenario

    table structure is

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[aspnet_Users](

    [ApplicationId] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,

    [UserId] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL DEFAULT (newid()),

    [UserName] [nvarchar](256) NOT NULL,

    [LoweredUserName] [nvarchar](256) NOT NULL,

    [MobileAlias] [nvarchar](16) NULL DEFAULT (NULL),

    [IsAnonymous] [bit] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0)),

    [LastActivityDate] [datetime] NOT NULL


    i have 2 sample rows in this table as follows

    ac2c83f9-7e04-4896-a91d-81e6b366284f f51699ad-5cc0-4f65-ac3c-a1b39a895833 Admin admin NULL False 10/02/2009 21:21:29

    ac2c83f9-7e04-4896-a91d-81e6b366284f ab6ca125-a595-4851-894f-9d949371eeb9 user user NULL False 10/02/2009 21:18:54

    to generate an insert statement for each row for the columns username, loweredusername, mobilealias, isanonymous and lastactivitydate you would use something along the lines of the following

    select 'INSERT INTO NewTable (Username, LoweredUserName, MobileAlias, IsAnonymous, lastActivityDate)

    VALUES (''' + username + ''', ''' + LoweredUserName + ''', ''' +

    isnull(MobileAlias, '') + ''', ' +

    cast(IsAnonymous as nvarchar(2)) + ', ''' + cast(LastActivityDate as nvarchar(12)) + ''')' AS InsertString

    from dbo.aspnet_Users

    which would produce the following

    INSERT INTO NewTable (Username, LoweredUserName, MobileAlias, IsAnonymous, LastActivityDate) VALUES ('Admin', 'admin', ' ', '0', 'Feb 10 2009')

    INSERT INTO NewTable (Username, LoweredUserName, MobileAlias, IsAnonymous, LastActivityDate) VALUES ('user', 'user', ' ', '0', 'Feb 10 2009')

    notice you will have to cast or convert non char items to generate the insert strings and also account for NULL values

    PS this would probably have been better posted in the T-SQL forum 😉


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉