• HanShi (3/4/2009)

    Mike John (3/4/2009)

    Alternative answer is :

    2009-09-02 17:30:00.000 -- which is exactly what you will see if you are configured for a UK date format. ie the dateadds behave as described by the input date is in an ambiguous format... was it the 2nd Sept or 9th Feb?

    Mike John

    That's only an issue if the year is mentioned at the end (02-09-2009). When the year is mentioned first it's always yyyy-mm-dd, many times also noted without the dashes (20090902).

    Well, that's exactly what I would have expected. Nevertheless, when I copy & pasted the given statement

    SELECT DATEADD(MINUTE,30,DATEADD(hour,7,'2009-02-09 10:00:00:000'))

    into SS Studio Express and pressed F5, my result was

    2009-09-02 17:30:00.000

    Rather confuses me... :unsure:

    Best regards,
    Dietmar Weickert.