• mh, your solution is fine but when you test it with a lot of data against a cursor, the cursor is orders of magnitude faster

    I adapted your query to fit some different test data

    [font="Courier New"]

    drop table sales

    CREATE TABLE Sales (DayCount smallint, channel varchar(50), Sales money)

    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX ndx_DayCount ON Sales(DayCount)


    DECLARE @DayCount smallint, @Sales money, @channel varchar(50)

    SET @DayCount = 0

    SET @Sales = 10

    set @channel = 'a'

    WHILE @DayCount < 10000


    INSERT Sales VALUES (@DayCount,@channel, @Sales)

    SET @DayCount = @DayCount + 1

    SET @Sales = @Sales + 15

    set @channel = case

    when right(cast(@daycount as varchar), 1) = 0 then 'a'

    when right(cast(@daycount as varchar), 1) = 1 then 'b'

    when right(cast(@daycount as varchar), 1) = 2 then 'c'

    when right(cast(@daycount as varchar), 1) = 3 then 'd'

    when right(cast(@daycount as varchar), 1) = 4 then 'e'

    when right(cast(@daycount as varchar), 1) = 5 then 'f'

    when right(cast(@daycount as varchar), 1) = 6 then 'g'

    when right(cast(@daycount as varchar), 1) = 7 then 'h'

    when right(cast(@daycount as varchar), 1) = 8 then 'i'

    when right(cast(@daycount as varchar), 1) = 9 then 'j'



    select * from sales

    with cte as


    select *, Row_Number() OVER(PARTITION BY channel ORDER BY channel) as RowNum

    from sales


    select a.rownum, a.daycount,a.channel, a.sales,

    SUM(b.sales ) - a.sales as Bal

    from cte a

    LEFT outer join cte b

    on a.channel = b.channel and a.RowNum > B.RowNum

    group by a.rownum, a.channel, a.daycount, a.sales

    order by a.channel, a.daycount

    CREATE TABLE #Sales (DayCount smallint, Channel varchar(50), Sales money, RunningTotal money)

    DECLARE @RunningTotal money

    declare @old_channel varchar(50)

    SET @RunningTotal = 0

    set @old_channel = ''

    DECLARE rt_cursor CURSOR


    SELECT DayCount, Channel, Sales

    FROM Sales

    order by channel, daycount

    DECLARE @DayCount smallint, @Sales money, @channel varchar(50)

    OPEN rt_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM rt_cursor INTO @DayCount,@Channel, @Sales



    SET @RunningTotal = @RunningTotal + @Sales

    INSERT #Sales VALUES (@DayCount,@channel, @Sales, @RunningTotal)

    set @old_channel = @channel

    FETCH NEXT FROM rt_cursor INTO @DayCount,@channel, @Sales

    if @old_channel <> @channel set @runningtotal = 0


    CLOSE rt_cursor

    DEALLOCATE rt_cursor

    SELECT * FROM #Sales ORDER BY channel,DayCount

    DROP TABLE #Sales[/font]