• hi jack,

    this is my exact procedure.

    CREATE procedure [dbo].[Search_and_paging]

    @art_Filter varchar(8000),

    @sect_Filter varchar(8000),

    @PageNumber int=1,

    @pageSize int=20



    declare @strSQL nvarchar(4000), @art varchar(8000), @sect varchar(8000), @orderBy varchar(30),

    @FIELDS varchar(100), @startRowNo int , @endRowNo int

    --field to be selected

    set @FIELDS=' sid , title , url, pdt, intro, intro2 '

    -- first table as article selection

    set @art=' from ( select art_id as sid , art_title as title, ''/article.aspx?artid=''+art_encryptid as url ,

    art_displaydt as pdt,

    case art_index_intro when '''' then art_intro else isnull(art_index_intro, art_intro) end as intro,

    substring(art_article,1,300) as intro2

    from us_article

    where art_status = 3 and art_article_type!=5 ' + isnull(@art_Filter,'')

    -- second table as section selection

    set @sect=' union

    select sect_id as sid , sect_title as title, sect_page+sect_encryptid as url,

    sect_publishdt as pdt,

    case sect_index_intro when '''' then sect_intro else isnull(sect_index_intro, sect_intro) end as intro,

    substring(sect_dtl,1,300) as intro2

    from us_section

    where sect_status = 3 and sect_page is not null and sect_page <> '''' ' + isnull(@sect_Filter,'') + ' )a '

    -- for order by

    set @orderBy= ' order by pdt desc '

    -- forming query

    set @startRowNo =((@PageNumber * @pageSize) - (@pageSize -1) )

    set @endRowNo=(@PageNumber * @pageSize)

    set @strSQL= N' WITH Search AS (select ROW_NUMBER() OVER ('+ @orderBy+') AS ROWID, '+ @FIELDS + @art + @sect +' ) select * FROM Search where ROWID between '+ convert(varchar(50),@startRowNo) + ' and ' +convert(varchar(50),@endRowNo)


    -- for total selected records

    -- forming query

    set @strSQL= N' select Count(sid) ' + @art + @sect

