Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 Security IIS7/2008 to my SQL Server 2000 machine: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server RE: IIS7/2008 to my SQL Server 2000 machine: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server

  • OK, thanks for the information,

    but I want to make sure I understand:

    1) I have to use IIS7 in IIS6 mode.

    I checked the Roles installed on my 2008 server and IIS6 management console,metabase compatibility,management compatibility are installed.

    When I start this mmc I can only see the server name, but no web site is displayed.

    2) on both servers (2008 = IIS 2000 = SQL+IIS5) .net v2.0.50727 is installed.

    Should I run aspnet_regiis -i on both machines?

    thanks again
