• timothyawiseman (2/19/2009)

    The article was well done, but it was not really relevant to this site.

    Since we are talking about firefox extensions, I find the del.icio.us extension to be top-notch personally.

    I believe it was put into the Career category because of the reasons that have been mentioned thus far. I didn't intend to make the weight of the article depend on Firefox because I understand there a good deal of people who cannot use it at work.

    I find dropbox and TiddlyWiki very useful and they have nothing to do with Firefox.

    Let me add a little bit more that I wish I would have included in the article.

    For me, I can setup a dropbox account on my home laptop, home desktop, work pc 1, and work pc2. I can place a folder there called SQLScripts. I can place scripts I need access to anywhere in there and I'll be able to get to them pretty easily from anywhere. I can create a folder called documents and place whitepapers, great ebooks available through Red Gate, or anything else that fits that criteria. I can create a little app folder that has great free apps that can be found in David Bird's excellent series of articles here[/url] and here[/url]. There are other great portable apps (not SQL related) that are on the web that I put in there to help me as well. While I'm praising David Bird I will plug the series that has help me the most from him that can be found here[/url]. That one is a must read for anyone using SSIS.

    If my article makes one person a better DBA(developer, whatever) then I am very happy that I have given something back.

    And yes, I'm trying to thicken my skin as I learn from this first article 🙂