• Robert Davis (2/19/2009)

    SanjayAttray (2/19/2009)

    Good list for all those who use Firefox but nothing here for a DBA or Developer.

    Thanks though.

    I agree completely. It's a great article for Firefox enthusiasts, but it offers nothing that would make me a better DBA.

    The last thing a good dba needs is for his mouse movements and keyboard strokes to be mimicked on another computer. While I'm defragging an index on one computer, I might be accidentally dropping a database on another.

    The only thing on the list that is specific to firefox would be Foxmarks, TiddlySnip, and Fastdial.

    The wiki and dropbox is worth the price of admission alone for me and those have nothing to do with Firefox.

    For me, Synergy is useful because I have 2 Computers at my desk with 2 monitors each. By using Synergy, I've eliminated the need for one keyboard and one mouse.

    I'll add the disclaimer that not all tools will be useful for everyone at all times. But if you find one thing on that list that can make you become better at what you do then I'm happy about that.

    Thanks for posting.