• To simplify a few queries and add a little more functionality I have added a few new columns. [DOWInMonth] is the occurrence of that Day-of-Week in the month.

    EX: 2/14/09 is the second Saturday in February so the value of DOWInMonth is 2.

    Additionally there is a [WeekOfYear] and a [WeekOfMonth] column. Those should be obvious, but they are indicators of the number of the week as related to the month and year.

    The [DayOfYear] column is the day as related to the year. 0 - 365/366.

    I have also made the default ID for the dim_Date table the integer value of the date in YYYYMMDD format. If you wish to do as Kimball suggest and make this a non-date integer you can uncomment/comment the appropriate lines. All the code was left in place.