• Global warming is a hoax that is conceived and perpetuated by Al Gore, and his cronies, to advance his wallet via this "carbon credits" scam. That inconvenient truth movie was completely debunked. The planet is 4 billion years old. Thats a huge dataset that no one has access to. No one knows what "normal" is because there is no such thing as normal. Records kept for the last 150 years cant determine "normal", against 4 billion years of existence. Please. Anyone with any sort of intelligence can read sites like:




    and figure out that what these people are trying to do is create an entirely new industry with the sole purpose of shifting wealth for their own cause. Is the climate changing, yes. It always changes. Its fluid. Are WE causing it? It would be arrogant to believe that we have any impact on the global climate AND even worse, that we could tweak it. Its not a simple thermostat that some instant gratification teenager wants the AC turned up because he's too warm or anything like that. Lets use our brains.