• I started out in Hugo's camp. I'm always glad to have learned a new function, but one thing I can't get away from is that, in the real world, if I'm creating a unique row identifier, then I'm probably going to come back and look for it later and for that I will almost always want an index. So that makes it a choice between the two alternatives below. It looks like six of one and a half dozen of the other.

    Before stopping to think about which was "better", I would have called it a draw. (And being superstitious, I still am in the habit of avoiding SELECT... INTO....)

    However, populating a table before building the index means that using SELECT...INTO with the IDENTITY function (followed by a CREATE INDEX) is going to run FASTER than creating a table with a primary key predefined and then doing an INSERT INTO ... SELECT. (A couple of scripts follow at the bottom if anyone wants to test the difference at a million rows.)

    This isn't going to make me go back and change all of our existing stored procedures, but it is something to be remembered going forward.


    -- first thought: who cares?


    create table #temp(ID int identity(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, foo1 varchar (20), foo2 int)

    insert into #temp

    select foo1, foo2

    from SomeOtherTable

    -- vs --

    SELECT IDENTITY(int, 1,1) AS ID_Num, foo1, foo2

    into #temp

    from SomeOtherTable


    ALTER TABLE .........




    -- test scripts


    -- using IDENTITY function and creating index afterwards

    SELECT IDENTITY(int, 1,1) as ID , getdate() + N as Futureday

    into #future

    from tally

    create unique clustered index PK_Future on #future (ID)

    select count(*), max(Futureday) from #future

    drop table #future


    -- predefining table with an IDENTITY column

    create table #future (ID int identity(1,1) primary key, Futureday datetime)

    insert into #future

    select getdate() + N as Futureday

    from tally

    select count(*), max(Futureday) from #future

    drop table #future



    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills