• thanks for the replies.

    The VM would have had either 2 or 4 cores (cannot remember for sure) with maxdop = 0, so parallel queries would have been possible.

    We are using SRDF for SAN replication, just wanted to be sure without that the DR setup is not complete.

    I don't know too much on the details of the VM builds, but will make it my business to find out., I know they average about 10 VMs per host.

    I'm still getting to grips with this so excuse my ignorance, but due to the way the LUN is attached to the host it is not possible to failover a single VM in a DR situation, its the whole Host or nothing (well I am told it is possible but complicated so SAN guys not keen to do it and it would have to be done put of hours). therefore to get quick HA for a single SQL VM on the host I am having to also logship to another VM in the other data centre. Is this type of belt and braces approach typical?
