• I also created a huge proc and database to track backups. My backup proc is 1500 lines of code and can do litespeed or native backups and can do just about anything including simple/debug logging. I backup about 1.5 tb of data a day and a few of the databases have log backups every 5-15 minutes. I have a file per diff or full backup and one daily log file I append to for log backups...just for convenience to not have tons of files to deal with if I ever have the need.

    I verify most of the databases, but often I don't have the time and want to offload the work to another server to verify at some point. I restore our most important database after the backup is done as a way of verification and to use the database for ad-hoc querying by our team. Everything is backed up to another server (SAN) and restored to on yet another server. A little speed is lost, but I backup to more than one file at a time (a proc parameter) to speed things up a bit.

    I will try to post my backup script on my site soon for anyone that is interested.

    Chuck Lathrope
