• First of all thank You John and Keith, u guys have found some serious flaws there....

    Keith, i must say I completely forgot about testing my script for that one particular scenario ...(well to be truthfull i really havent done an extensive test on it):D

    John Brauer (1/12/2009)

    1) The script that is generated does not declare varchar(max) columns correctly (it declares them as varchar(-1), which results in a parsing error when the generated script is executed).

    And John, thanks for the solutions to those flaws. however I did mention that the script would be for execution in sql 2000.

    But anyways now that you have given a work around for that too...it would work in sql 2005 too !!:D

    Carlton, yes I know that these cursors are not very nice.

    i hate cursors too which is why i am working on a similar script that would completely or atleast partially avoid them....

    Anyways thank you again fellas....

    I would update the scripts and post again .......(provided i find the time though):)