• Hello all,

    I agree with Matt since a select count(*) is not quickly handled operation if you do not have indexes on a huge table. So if the source table we aim to use cursors on is really big, I believe Cursor method will handle the situation better.

    I aggree with Darren also because he eliminates the select count(*).

    This method can be used I believe by making a few modifications as I have copied down the sql codes.

    But I could not escape from deleting rows using column values

    declare @i int;

    set @i = 0;

    while 1=1


    select top 1 @id2 = ID from @muchWorseProblem

    if @id2 is null


    select @query = 'declare @i int; set @i = ' + convert(varchar,@id2)


    delete from @muchWorseProblem where id = @id2

    set @id2 = null
