• paulallen7 (12/5/2008)

    Nice article, even if there are drawbacks to this approach it's info worth knowing.

    We've been looking at a bit of SQL automation of excel. (not similar to the problem provided but some ideas could be adapted).

    Would anybody know if this approach would work on a 64 bit SQL server? (no 64 bit implementation of jet). I've got a stand alone app running on our SQL server that talks to ACE and JET databases (using WOW64) but couldn't get my CLR proc to do the same as it's running under the control of 64 bit SQL.

    Any thoughts would be much appreciated.



    -- EDIT: Just noticed that post above was written at the same time! 🙂

    If Excel can be installed on the server, then it would work. But, if you're running a 64bit server, I'd think this over very carefully... are you sure you want to install Excel on that server just to do what's being done here???

    If I remember correctly, there are a couple of different flavors of 64bit... one does allow the jet engine, the other doesn't. This just means compatibility with things that could use the jet engine, like OpenRowset.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
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