Home Forums SQL Server 2005 Development Error,while inserting data into Excel from sql server 2005!!!!!! RE: Error,while inserting data into Excel from sql server 2005!!!!!!

  • Here's an OPENROWSET Excel insert which has been working for a while:

    -- INSERT the results into the newly-created spreadsheet

    INSERT INTO OPENROWSET ('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',

    'Excel 8.0;DATABASE=\\ReportingServer\D$\EDIInvoices.xls',

    'Select * from EDIInvoices')

    SELECT * from #EDIInvoicesPivot

    Remember, this statement is running on the SQL server, not on your desktop, so the location of the Excel file is relative to the server. In the example above, the Excel file is on another (reporting) server.



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