• Ya i understand u require the values of the columns.The below script will do the same

    Modify this script to suit your need and to meet the performance.The previous post will give the logic of this script:

    create table t1 (i int ,j varchar(20))

    create table t2 (k int ,l varchar(20))

    create table t3 (m int ,n numeric(10,3))

    insert into t1 values (1,'hello')

    insert into t1 values (2,'world')

    insert into t1 values (3,'excellent')

    insert into t2 values (1,'hello')

    insert into t2 values (2,'happy')

    insert into t2 values (3,'great')

    insert into t3 values (1,2.5)

    insert into t3 values (2,5.5)

    insert into t3 values (3,7.5)

    declare @name varchar(50)

    declare @col varchar(50)

    declare @value varchar(50)

    declare @STR varchar(1000)

    declare @i int

    declare @count int

    select @value = 'hello'

    declare @table table(id int identity(1,1), tablename varchar(50),columnname varchar(50))

    insert into @table

    select a.name, b.name

    from syscolumns b,sysobjects a

    where a.id = b.id

    and a.type = 'U'

    and b.xtype = 167

    and a.name in ('t1','t2','t3')

    select @count = count(*) from @table

    select @i = 0

    while (@i <=@count)


    select @name = tablename ,@col = columnname

    from @table where id = @i

    select @STR = 'select * from ' + @name + ' where ' + @col + ' = ''' + @value +''''

    select @STR


    select @i = @i + 1
