Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 Replication The process could not bulk copy out of table 'tblname'. RE: The process could not bulk copy out of table 'tblname'.

  • Still can not find any dead lock.

    Put outputverbose 3 in, I am asloso change distribution profile to get timeout 300 (from 15) and query timeout from 300 to 3000.

    get the last piece as follow.

    Disconnecting from 'CorpServer1'

    Disconnecting from 'CorpServer1'

    Disconnecting from 'CorpServer1'

    Disconnecting from 'CorpServer1'

    Disconnecting from 'CorpServer1'

    Disconnecting from 'CorpServer1'

    Disconnecting from 'CorpServer1'

    Disconnecting from 'CorpServer1'

    Disconnecting from 'CorpServer1'

    Disconnecting from 'CorpServer1'

    Disconnecting from 'CorpServer1'

    Disconnecting from 'CorpServer1'

    Disconnecting from 'CorpServer1'

    Disconnecting from 'CorpServer1'

    Disconnecting from 'CorpServer1'

    Disconnecting from 'CorpServer1'

    Disconnecting from 'CorpServer1'

    Disconnecting from 'CorpServer1'

    Disconnecting from 'CorpServer1'

    Disconnecting from 'CorpServer1'

    Disconnecting from 'CorpServer1'

    Disconnecting from 'CorpServer1'

    Bulk copied snapshot data for article '[Check]' (0 rows).

    Repl Agent Status: 6

    Disconnecting from Publisher 'CorpServer1'

    I have talked to network team about what's happened and they did not believe that come from SAN problem.

    Anything else that I should do?

    Please advise.

    Thank you in advance.