Home Forums Programming SMO/RMO/DMO Script difference between two databases RE: Script difference between two databases

  • OK, well then, the only way that I can see to do it with SMO is through a manual semi-shallow copy, like this:

    Imports Microsoft.SqlServer

    Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management

    Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common

    Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo

    Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Server

    Imports system.Data

    Module Util

    Public Sub ColumnDef_Copy(ByVal SourceTable As Smo.Table _

    , ByVal TargetTable As Smo.Table _

    , ByVal ColName As String)

    'copies a column definition from one table to another an then updates the

    ' target tables defintion in the database.


    '2008-05-07 BYoung Created.


    'NOTE: untested.

    Dim SourceCol As Smo.Column = SourceTable.Columns(ColName)

    Dim TargetCol As New Smo.Column(TargetTable, ColName)

    'set the target column's properties using a Shallow Copy:

    With SourceCol

    TargetCol.DataType = .DataType

    TargetCol.Collation = .Collation

    If .Computed Then

    TargetCol.Computed = .Computed

    TargetCol.ComputedText = .ComputedText

    TargetCol.IsPersisted = .IsPersisted

    End If

    TargetCol.Default = .Default

    TargetCol.DefaultSchema = .DefaultSchema

    For Each xp As Smo.ExtendedProperty In .ExtendedProperties

    TargetCol.ExtendedProperties.Add( _

    New Smo.ExtendedProperty(TargetCol, xp.Name, xp.Value))


    If .Identity Then

    TargetCol.Identity = .Identity

    TargetCol.IdentityIncrement = .IdentityIncrement

    TargetCol.IdentitySeed = .IdentitySeed

    End If

    TargetCol.NotForReplication = .NotForReplication

    TargetCol.Nullable = .Nullable

    TargetCol.RowGuidCol = .RowGuidCol

    TargetCol.Rule = .Rule

    TargetCol.RuleSchema = .RuleSchema

    End With

    'Find the column's position

    Dim ord As Integer = 0

    While SourceTable.Columns.Item(ord) IsNot SourceCol

    ord += 1

    End While

    TargetTable.Columns.Add(TargetCol, ord)


    End Sub

    End Module

    You will have to test this yourself.

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog: MovingSQL.com, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]