• WoW!

    This seems to have brought out a ton of thinkers!

    The article is to provide a look back into history as to how arrays were first created - be they 2d or 3d or more.

    There are going to be some follow-on articles about how to use this in practical, everyday (for some of us) applications, and possibly even to go on into rocket science.

    A couple of comments, here might be appropriate though -

    1) You do NOT have to pass tables to procedures - especially if the data is already stored on a table on disk. You don't even have to pass pointers. Everything is already there.

    2) Captain Kirk once said, in his final battle with Khan - "He is evidencing classic two dimensional thinking" - we all evidence that quite often.

    3) Just because it is new and improved does not mean it is necessarily better.

    4) Show me how passing the word 'YES' (3 bytes) can be dome more efficiently using XML? Take it even further, lets pass a single bit - 0 or 1 to another process using XML and have it take up as few bytes.

    This is the concept in the real engineering world - not the concepts that are taken in the lofty world of education.

    Randal Burke

    I wish there was a "head scratchin' " emoticon here...