SQL 2005 Query to get time difference between two adjacent rows

  • I have table to store user login details. Now i want to get the time difference for each login for all users. The table is as below

    User Id Start Time Stop Time

    1 2008-10-13 13:01:10.0002008-10-13 13:01:26.000

    1 2008-10-13 13:25:11.0002008-10-13 13:30:27.000

    1 2008-10-13 16:30:54.0002008-10-13 16:31:10.000

    2 2008-10-13 16:31:05.0002008-10-13 16:31:28.000

    2 2008-10-13 16:40:36.0002008-10-13 16:50:52.000

    2 2008-10-13 16:55:23.0002008-10-13 16:60:47.000

    Now i have to compare the 1st & 2nd row, 2nd & 3rd row and so on

  • I'm not sure what do you mean by "compare" but here's the core code that you can just modify to fit your needs:

    set nocount on

    declare @LoginTable table (UserID int, StartTime datetime, StopTime datetime)

    insert into @LoginTable values(1, '2008-10-13 13:01:10.000', '2008-10-13 13:01:26.000')

    insert into @LoginTable values(1, '2008-10-13 13:25:11.000', '2008-10-13 13:30:27.000')

    insert into @LoginTable values(1, '2008-10-13 16:30:54.000', '2008-10-13 16:31:10.000')

    insert into @LoginTable values(2, '2008-10-13 16:31:05.000', '2008-10-13 16:31:28.000')

    insert into @LoginTable values(2, '2008-10-13 16:40:36.000', '2008-10-13 16:50:52.000')

    insert into @LoginTable values(2, '2008-10-13 16:55:23.000', '2008-10-13 16:59:47.000')

    select UserId, DATEDIFF(mi, StartTime, StopTime) as NumberOfMinutes,

    '2nd row' = (select top 1 DATEDIFF(mi, StartTime, StopTime) as NumberOfMinutes from @LoginTable a where a.UserID = b.UserID and a.StartTime > b.StartTime)

    from @LoginTable b

    order by StartTime

    Happy coding!

    -- CK

  • Arul Manoj (10/21/2008)

    I have table to store user login details. Now i want to get the time difference for each login for all users. The table is as below

    User Id Start Time Stop Time

    1 2008-10-13 13:01:10.0002008-10-13 13:01:26.000

    1 2008-10-13 13:25:11.0002008-10-13 13:30:27.000

    1 2008-10-13 16:30:54.0002008-10-13 16:31:10.000

    2 2008-10-13 16:31:05.0002008-10-13 16:31:28.000

    2 2008-10-13 16:40:36.0002008-10-13 16:50:52.000

    2 2008-10-13 16:55:23.0002008-10-13 16:60:47.000

    Now i have to compare the 1st & 2nd row, 2nd & 3rd row and so on

    Use the following

    select UserId'User ID', StartTime'Start Time', StopTime'Stop Time', convert( varchar,StopTime - StartTime, 108 )'Difference' from [tablename]

    kshitij kumar

  • Thanks for your reply.

    But i need the following result:

    For each user i have to compare the stop time of 1st row with start time of 2nd row and stop time of 2nd row with start time of 3rd row.

    The table is like below:

    Sl No User Id Start Time Stop Time

    1 1 2008-10-13 13:01:10.000 2008-10-13 13:01:26.000

    2 1 2008-10-13 13:25:11.000 2008-10-13 13:30:27.000

    3 1 2008-10-13 16:30:54.000 2008-10-13 16:31:10.000

    4 2 2008-10-13 16:31:05.000 2008-10-13 16:31:28.000

    5 2 2008-10-13 16:40:36.000 2008-10-13 16:50:52.000

    6 2 2008-10-13 16:55:23.000 2008-10-13 16:60:47.000

    Now we have to compare as below:

    1. Slno:1 with Slno:2 and Slno:2 with Slno:3

    2. Slno:4 with Slno:5 and Slno:5 with Slno:6

  • Fairly Simple but not the most elegant as I had to make a duplicate record set in order to seperate the records into groups based on userID

    set nocount on

    declare @login table (UserID int, StartTime datetime, StopTime datetime)

    insert into @login values(1, '2008-10-13 13:01:10.000', '2008-10-13 13:01:26.000')

    insert into @login values(1, '2008-10-13 13:25:11.000', '2008-10-13 13:30:27.000')

    insert into @login values(1, '2008-10-13 16:30:54.000', '2008-10-13 16:31:10.000')

    insert into @login values(2, '2008-10-13 16:31:05.000', '2008-10-13 16:31:28.000')

    insert into @login values(2, '2008-10-13 16:40:36.000', '2008-10-13 16:50:52.000')

    insert into @login values(2, '2008-10-13 16:55:23.000', '2008-10-13 16:59:47.000')

    Select *

    From @login

    declare @Tmp table (UserID int, StartTime datetime, StopTime Datetime, RowNum int )

    Insert into @Tmp

    Select UserID, StartTime, stopTime, Row_Number() Over( Partition by UserID Order by StartTime )

    From @login



    ,Difference_Minute = DateDiff( Minute, a.StopTime, b.StartTime )

    From @Tmp as a

    Left Join @Tmp as B

    On b.UserID = a.UserID

    and b.RowNum = a.RowNum +1

  • More Thanks for your help. The result we are getting is

    User ID StartTime Stop Time RowNum TimeDifference

    1, 2008-10-13 13:25:11.000 2008-10-13 13:30:27.000224

    1, 2008-10-13 16:30:54.000 2008-10-13 16:31:10.0003180

    2, 2008-10-13 16:40:36.000 2008-10-13 16:50:52.00029

    2, 2008-10-13 16:55:23.000 2008-10-13 16:59:47.00035

    Now if the Time difference is 24 as in the example i want the first two rows. That is I want the two rows which gives the Time difference value.

  • Arul Manoj (10/22/2008)

    Thanks for your reply.

    But i need the following result:

    For each user i have to compare the stop time of 1st row with start time of 2nd row and stop time of 2nd row with start time of 3rd row.

    The table is like below:

    Sl No User Id Start Time Stop Time

    1 1 2008-10-13 13:01:10.000 2008-10-13 13:01:26.000

    2 1 2008-10-13 13:25:11.000 2008-10-13 13:30:27.000

    3 1 2008-10-13 16:30:54.000 2008-10-13 16:31:10.000

    4 2 2008-10-13 16:31:05.000 2008-10-13 16:31:28.000

    5 2 2008-10-13 16:40:36.000 2008-10-13 16:50:52.000

    6 2 2008-10-13 16:55:23.000 2008-10-13 16:60:47.000

    Now we have to compare as below:

    1. Slno:1 with Slno:2 and Slno:2 with Slno:3

    2. Slno:4 with Slno:5 and Slno:5 with Slno:6

    it means that the user id will have the entries in 3 slabs only

    kshitij kumar

  • krayknot (10/21/2008)

    Arul Manoj (10/21/2008)

    I have table to store user login details. Now i want to get the time difference for each login for all users. The table is as below

    User Id Start Time Stop Time

    1 2008-10-13 13:01:10.0002008-10-13 13:01:26.000

    1 2008-10-13 13:25:11.0002008-10-13 13:30:27.000

    1 2008-10-13 16:30:54.0002008-10-13 16:31:10.000

    2 2008-10-13 16:31:05.0002008-10-13 16:31:28.000

    2 2008-10-13 16:40:36.0002008-10-13 16:50:52.000

    2 2008-10-13 16:55:23.0002008-10-13 16:60:47.000

    Now i have to compare the 1st & 2nd row, 2nd & 3rd row and so on

    As i dont have the table and data, but still here is the logic , it may be wrong. but you can take the idea:

    select UserId'User ID', StartTime'Start Time', StopTime'Stop Time',

    (Select top 1 StartTime from creditcardprocesslog order by StartTime DESC) -

    (Select top 2 StopTime from creditcardprocesslog order by StopTime DESC) -

    (Select top 2 StartTime from creditcardprocesslog order by StartTime DESC) -

    (Select top 1 StopTime from creditcardprocesslog order by StopTime )

    (Select top 1 StartTime from creditcardprocesslog order by StartTime)

    'Difference' from [tablename]

    Use the following

    select UserId'User ID', StartTime'Start Time', StopTime'Stop Time', convert( varchar,StopTime - StartTime, 108 )'Difference' from [tablename]

    and if there are more than 3 similar rows then you should use while loop

    kshitij kumar

  • You don't need a WHILE loop or anything of that nature. Here's a set-based solution you can use with any given input table:

    DECLARE @LoginTable TABLE (

    UserID int,

    StartTime DateTime,

    StopTime DateTime


    insert into @LoginTable values(1, '2008-10-13 13:01:10.000', '2008-10-13 13:01:26.000')

    insert into @LoginTable values(1, '2008-10-13 13:25:11.000', '2008-10-13 13:30:27.000')

    insert into @LoginTable values(1, '2008-10-13 16:30:54.000', '2008-10-13 16:31:10.000')

    insert into @LoginTable values(2, '2008-10-13 16:31:05.000', '2008-10-13 16:31:28.000')

    insert into @LoginTable values(2, '2008-10-13 16:40:36.000', '2008-10-13 16:50:52.000')

    insert into @LoginTable values(2, '2008-10-13 16:55:23.000', '2008-10-13 16:59:47.000')



    FROM @LoginTable AS X



    SELECT A.UserID, A.StopTime, B.StartTime, DateDiff(s,A.StopTime,B.StartTime) AS Secs


    ON A.UserID = B.UserID AND

    A.RN = B.RN - 1


    SELECT UserID, StopTime, StartTime, Secs,

    CAST((Secs / 3600) AS varchar(4)) + ':' +

    RIGHT('0' + CAST(((Secs % 3600) / 60) AS varchar(2)),2) + ':' +

    RIGHT('0' + CAST((Secs % 60) AS varchar(2)),2) AS ElapsedTime


    The output will show each consecutive stop and start time associated with adjacent logins, the number of seconds between those times, and a character representation of the number of hours, minutes, and seconds that number of seconds represents. Enjoy!


    (aka smunson)


    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

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