• Here's a set based solution using CTEs. Please let us see the execution plans and performance statistics when you have tested them. Best of luck.



    -- CTE Solution


    ;with cte1 as -- identify breaks

    (select code,rowid

    from #temptable t1

    where t1.code <> (select top 1 code

    from #temptable t2

    where t2.rowID < t1.rowID

    order by t2.rowID desc)


    ,cte2 as -- identify ranges for 'A' codes only

    (select c1.code,c1.rowid as minRow,min(c1a.rowID) as maxRow

    from cte1 c1

    join cte1 c1a on c1a.code <> c1.code and c1a.rowID > c1.rowID

    where c1.code = 'A'

    group by c1.code,c1.rowID


    ,cte3 as -- identify duplicates in 'A' ranges

    (select c.minrow,max(rowid) as dupID

    from #temptable t

    cross join cte2 c

    where t.rowid >=minRow and t.rowID < maxRow

    group by c.minRow,t.rowKey,t.locale,c.code

    having count(*) > 1


    ,cte4 as -- just get the *first* duplicates

    (select min(dupID) as rowID

    from cte3

    group by minRow


    ,cte5 as -- put the breaks and the first "A" dups together

    (select rowID from cte1

    union all

    select rowID from cte4)

    select t.*

    from cte5 c

    join #temptable t on t.rowID = c.rowID

    order by c.rowID


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills